Extra Thick Rug Warp

from £11.00
sold out

Our extra-thick rug warp is perfect for weaving heavy-weight, durable rugs. You can use it on our upright rug loom, or the loom you have at home.

Cabled cotton cord, 10 wraps per inch

500g cones are approx 190m

1kg cones are approx 380m

Shipping Information

Orders are collected from our studio on Wednesdays each week. Please ensure you place your order by 2pm on Tuesday to be included in that week’s shipment.

You will receive a shipping notification and tracking information from us once your order has been collected.

Shipping Weight: 1.2 kg

Click here to view shipping costs to your country and calculate customs charges

While we do our best to keep shipping costs down, the weight of the yarn in the boxes means that shipping is still expensive. If you are based in London we recommend arranging pick-up from our studio.

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